Who is TAMU WiCys for?
We're open to everybody! Women and allies are always welcome; men can attend the WiCys conference as well.
Anyone can join at anytime, but the deadline to register for the conference is usually in the fall.
There are no dues, except to join the official WiCys organization. This is not required.
What is WiCyS?
Women in Cybersecurity (WiCys) is a professional organization that sponsors chapters at universities and affiliate partners.
They provide professional programs, events, and scholarships in which our chapter actively participates. We assist our members in applying for these opportunities, all with the goal of enhancing our collective cybersecurity skills.
What does TAMU WiCys do?
Our activities include:
- Weekly meetings that consist of professional or industry speakers, informational labs and lectures, or social sessions
- Coffee chats, which are planned hangouts for the club, on Saturdays (~2x month)
- Colaborating on school-wide or national Capture the Flag Competitions
- Traveling together the National WiCys Conference
Our activities often vary each semester, so be sure to check out our Discord server or calendar to stay updated!